There are many resources on the internet that can help everyone learn and be successful. Not only now can we learn through reading a book, or a video, we can now incorporate learning through various types of games. We can learn math, history, grammar, and reading. Computer games today are popular with the younger students today. Many of these kinds of games can be played while also learning can be an action game, an adventure game, knowledge games, simulation/role playing game, logical and math games, and practice games. These games can enable a student and a teacher to be successfully in and outside a classroom. The games provide a feedback that teachers and students can see their strengths and weakness. In the game they will know what they need to work harder in to improve their score. In my opinion, digital games can help students learn. For example, my 6 year old daughter likes to play the games on the school website. They have many different games available for her grade. She likes it cause it challenges her and encourages her to keep playing. I like to play these games for example, the free rice game, cause its just the thrill of a challenge that keeps me wanting to play the game but I'm also improving my vocabulary.
Technology has enabled us to learn in many different ways. It helps play a role in the 7 learning styles. In chapter 7, it list some of the software's that are made available to us. Many of the programs have the purpose which is to entertain and educate us. With technology we can create and problem solving and inquiry learning among the students. We learned that many different software applications can be used for both inside of school and outside. Many of the educational programs and apps are created so that it keeps challenging us and encourages us to keep learning the material. Its made fast, easy and fun so we can actually enjoy learning. Integrating this plus in our class room can help prevent our students from getting bored easily.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.,_an_augmented_human_skull.jpg
Sounds like both you and your daughter enjoy the benefits of gaming and learning. :) FreeRice is a good one for almost every grade and many subjects because it modifies according to individual needs - and that is one of the major reasons to use computing devices. The software can be easily coded to provide for individual differences. It is not that humans can't do it - it would just take an incredible amount of time to do 'by hand'!