Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reflective Post

                                                             Credit to: Nelson Mandela

          Throughout the course of EME 2040, I have learned many things. The many things learned will help my when I become a teacher. In the beginning of the course we have used the website delicious to store the websites that we can refer back to at any time. You can go to this page at any time to refer to something you may have used in the past. Delicious is a great site to store websites.
 I have also learned that it is very helpful and a good way to see your improvement throughout your years. In this course I have created a portfolio. My portfolio I can use for future references for either a job I may apply to or even to see how much I've improved throughout the years.
         I have learned to use the creative commons to use for pictures through copy right usages. I now know how to use the correctly to add photos in any of my materials. Google and flicker are resourceful sites to use to find photos using the creative commons.

      Integrating technology in our classrooms is very important and helpful. There are many sites that can help us teach our students. With the help of internet we can improve our knowledge and interest of our students way much more. Students like to use the internet with their phones, laptops, tablets and other devices, so why not use these to help create an interesting learning environment for them. As a future teacher I will incorporate the use of technology in my class. Power Points and videos are included as well. We can show our students many things through the internet. This may also help students who have various learning styles.
 It is important as a teacher to try and teach students the best way and integrate the learning styles in our lesson plans.
                                                    Credit to: Genius

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapter 11: Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning

Focus Question:
How can teachers and students use digital portfolios as tools for learning?

 A digital portfolio is a collection of educational and professional materials that can be stored electronically.  It can benefit both teachers and students by helping keep the work that they have done in the past years safely organized. It can show how much improvement a person has made over time. You can go back and reflect on your work. Future teachers and teachers can use these portfolios to store activities or assignments for future classes, ideas, and job opportunities. It gives students and teachers a privilege to show off their work, and how they have improved themselves over time. It also gives a teacher or student time to reflect back on their work and see where they need to strengthen their weakness. It shows the your growth as a teacher and the growth of students as life long learners.

Credit to Flickr
Tool Tech
Digital Portfolio Video
This Presentation video can help you understand and show why its such an amazing tool. The digital portfolio can only benefit you. This video is helpful for those who don't know much about portfolio's. I found this video very helpful, since in the next near week I have to create on for my class. I never knew what it was and how helpful it can be for me.  There is many other sites that can also benefit and help us create our portfolios.
Chapter 11, showed students and teachers how it can be to our advantages that we can reflect on our assessments. Its a plus to have assessments that can help us as students and future teachers learn about our strengthen and weakness and help us be more successful in the near future. I learned in Chapter 11 that our performance evaluation from the work that we may have completed can help us strengthen our skills as learners and teachers.
Technology works to everyone advantage because it a powerful tool that can determine our performances. It can show us our work from years ago, and we can compare that to where we are today in our skills. Portfolios, that we can create online is one great way to show our assessments over the years. Its easy, ready to access at anytime. It displays our work, experience in developing technology skills, and being able to share our information/work with a wider educational community.
Many of the assessments that are made available to us can enable teachers to conduct quick assessments of what a student knows or may still need to learn about a topic. It integrates a more interesting way of learning rather than just reading a book or taking long test.
Our jobs as teachers and future teachers is to make classrooms more effective for students to want to learn, and continue with their education. Making our classroom more interesting can encourage students to want to participate and learn the material. Students of all ages can acknowledge that we care and that they have a opinion in their education and making a better school a better learning environment for them. Teachers can make the work load a lot less with these learning assessments and they can even make it a fun and non overwhelming way of teaching. We are here to make it better for our future  and current learners education better for them. Using tools that benefit us all makes it easier and fun for everyone.
Credit to Flickr
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter 10: Promoting Success with Technology

Focus Question: How can technology engage and inspire learning fro diverse students?

Students from all around the world can be engaged and inspired by technology today. Teachers can use may different kinds of approach to allow diverse students to be more successful in school today and in the future. Students with technology can expand their knowledge of any kind of material. Teachers and students will be able to connect and classroom with different kinds of communities and cultures that are around the world. Online students can have the language translation that they may need to use a software. This can make it easy for them to learn a language.  Students and teachers have access to multilingual web resources, international newspapers, Interactive maps of the world, and they can learn the English language words origins.

In chapter 10, talked about the many ways that technology can promote success fro ALL students through technology. Technology ahs done so much for us. Students can go online to see many different places around the world.  It has also been a big help to all the diverse students who many need translation services or students who may want to learn another language. Teachers can now show the students multicultural education that can teach students that diversity is in our classrooms.
All students can learn from many different educational experiences from technology that can promote a students talent and their success as life long learners.  Teachers are the opening door to how a student can be successful learners by using correctly and knowing how technology can help them be successful for life.
Many of the different assistive devices that are made for students can make learning more effective for students. There are many resource's that are available online for students to use.  Learning how to use these kinds of sites, programs and soft wares can open doors for students. They wont feel like they are limited to only a textbook. They can go online and see what many resources can help them learn and gather information.
Technology can help students whom are not the best writers. It can help them write papers to their best capabilities. It can make it more interesting for students to write papers and show them the differences of how they can improve their writing capabilities. Still till this day I am learning about many soft wares that I can use to benefit me.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Chapter 9: Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies

Focus Question:  How can teachers create PowerPoint presentations for maximum teaching potential and learning impact?

PowerPoint can  allow teachers to present information to students that can engage students and keep them interested in the material. It can be used for students in every grade level. You can add pictures, videos, charts, graphs, audio, video and cool animations to each of the slides.  Students can print out PowerPoints for them to have a copy of the presentations as well.  Power points allow teachers to teach key points by summarizing the content. Students can get a visual of the material as well.

      In Chapter 9, I read about the different ways that you can use technology in creative ways by using multimedia software and applications.  We can use the digital tools to engage and interest the students. Multimedia learning can happen in many different forms in a class room. Students can become more involved with the class by using these tools such as a virtual field trip, digital cameras, podcast, videos, digital books, and even making a video of their own.
      Technology has really made learning and teaching our students more fun and interesting. We can now improve the computer skills of the students. As they get much older they will be experts of the computer. We can introduce them these multimedia learning devices as early as first grade, of course we will use the proper learning strategies. PowerPoint, which is a very well known software is one that we can use early. We can use these in glass to entertain and engage students. Pictures, charts and. Videos can help them stay engaged.
     I will use these applications as a teacher to help my students be involved in the material. Keeping our students interested in the material is just as important as the way we present and introduce it to them. It actually helps combine all the different learning styles of each of the students.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chapter 8: Communicating and Collaborating with Social Media

Focus Question: How would you describe the impact of communications technologies for teachers and students?
 The impact of communication technology for teacher and students has enabled a better relationship between the two. Students can communicate together, alone, even as a class with their teacher and peers. There are multiple software and websites that students and teachers that are used to communicate with one another. With these form of communication it allows us to share ideas and information with different educational purposes. Students and teachers can benefit from this way of communicating by:
1. Teaching and learning after school hours
2. Engage with their peers and teachers
3. Share information with family and friends
4. Build a strong educational environment for everyone to learn in
5. Students can post or blog there work online to show everyone
6. They can improve their writing skills
    In Chapter 8, we learn of the many ways that we can communicate together while using social media sites such as emailing, blog,  texting, teacher made websites, discussion board, and Wiki.
We can improve the way we teach our students by using what's popular. Almost every one today uses some type of social media. So why not use it to our advantage to provide a better learning method for our teachers and students. All of the things that I have listed to communicate have benefited myself as a students. I am able to communicate with my Professors after school hours and if I need more help I can email other students or go to the wiki page that my professor has created to help everyone. Chapter 8 can benefit me as a teacher and a student. I learned how to share my ideas and information in a classroom environment and online environment. We can learn to interact and collaborate via technology. I can now understand how to use websites and blogs for my future students. Blogs can be very helpful for everyone as well as wikis, they can be used as a collaborative learning strategies for everyone.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Chapter 7 Exploring Problem Solving with Software, Apps and Games

Focus Question: What are digital games for learning and how can students and teachers use them successfully?
 There are many resources on the internet that can help everyone learn and be successful. Not only now can we learn through reading a book, or a video, we can now incorporate learning through various types of games. We can learn math, history, grammar, and reading. Computer games today are popular with the younger students today. Many of these kinds of games can be played while also learning can be an action game, an adventure game, knowledge games, simulation/role playing game, logical and math games, and practice games. These games can enable a student and a teacher to be successfully in and outside a classroom. The games provide a feedback that teachers and students can see their strengths and weakness. In the game they will know what they need to work harder in to improve their score. In my opinion, digital games can help students learn. For example, my 6 year old daughter likes to play the games on the school website. They have many different games available for her grade. She likes it cause it challenges her and encourages  her to keep playing. I like to play these games for example, the free rice game, cause its just the thrill of a challenge that keeps me wanting to play the game but I'm also improving my vocabulary.
Technology has enabled us to learn in many different ways. It helps play a role in the 7 learning styles. In chapter 7, it list some of the software's that are made available to us. Many of the programs have the purpose which is to entertain and educate us. With technology we  can create and problem solving and inquiry learning among the students. We learned that many different software applications can be used for both inside of school and outside. Many of the educational programs and apps are created so that it keeps challenging us and encourages us to keep learning the material. Its made fast, easy and fun so we can actually enjoy learning. Integrating this plus in our class room can help prevent our students from getting bored easily.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.,_an_augmented_human_skull.jpg

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chapter 6 Educational Help and Tips for Students

    In chapter 6, we learned that there are many ways of learning with educational websites and apps. I read that there is many technological help that are available to us. We don't have to write the website down anymore and keep forgetting what website we used there are many helps like Delicious and Diigo that makes it easier for us.  Delicious is a good website organizer for students as well as teachers to use. On Delicious we can save and bookmark any website that we may use for school , work and entertainment. Its a nice website cause you can organize all the websites and come back later to it. You care able to see who else used the website. You can refer to this webpage to see all the sites you saved rather than leaving many tabs open. You can code it website so you can remember what it was about. Diigo allows a person to bookmark, highlight portions of the webpages, add sticky notes,tag the site, and its made easy for you to share the resources.  It was a good chapter to read I learn to do new things that I hadn't been able to do before. I will be able to use educational resources that are online to teach my students and am able to make a lesson plan online. 

Focus Question: What role do you envision for social bookmarking tools like Delicious and Diigo in your information management as a teacher?
  The role that I envision as a teacher is being able to use this sites to help me save the resources that I've used to teach my students. I will use it as a guide to help me save webpages that can be resourceful to me as an educator and to my students. I can go to these sites to show my students what I found rather than trying to find the site that had glanced at. To bookmark you don't need a USB or anything else. All you need is a computer and everything is available in one website. I can use Delicious and Diigo to help me become a better teacher by saving the work that I've done, use and enabled to make me a better educator. I will be able to show this to my future students to help them research on there work. 

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chapter 5: Using Technology Together and Safely

 We should use our technology devices and networks safely. The rules that are setup for as students and individuals are important to us. Us as students we should know how to use our resources on the internet wisely. People all around post or blog resourceful information for us. No matter if its how to learn to divide, add , find x or even how to effectively write a paper. We use social networks to connect with others that we may not be able to see everyday. Just as we follow the laws in reality, we should do the same on the internet. Today we face a new way of bullying. Cyber bullying happens in the internet. People can most harmful things about others. We as a community of technology users can help prevent that. Working together on the internet can setup an example for our future users. We can cite, and follow all the guidelines for the internet. We should thank people for taking the time to post valuable information for everyone.  The rules that are posted are for copy right reasons. People should receive credit for the work that they've done.  By us using the internet by example others will follow us by doing the same.We can use rubrics to help us make sure the information we are using is accurate. People can put on the internet things that are not correct.  We all can post reviews to help one another avoid these kinds of websites. Following the rules can help keep spams and virus away. Reducing the number of spams and virus that we get can help make sure the computer is running the way it should. People can make a difference by using the internet safely and correctly. Its changed our lives for positive reasons, so why not keep it that way?

Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2011). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN:10 0-13-159611-X, ISBN:13 978-0-13-159611-5

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Common Core Standards

What is the Common Core Standards? Its "clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them." Parents, students, teachers are encouraged to know the standards that their child should meet in order to continue with their education.
 "The standards are internationally benchmarked and provide our students with an edge in the global jobs market by ensuring mastery of knowledge and skills needed to perform today's high-skill, high-wage occupations." We should help our students to succeed in college and participate in their education so they can continue with their career. The more involved we are as parents, and a community we can help make a difference in every child's education.
 Why is the common core significant? It helps us make sure that every student is learning the material and we can make sure they have all the requirements to continue with there lives and education successfully. If we didn't, many people wouldn't have the education that they have today. Our education gives us knowledge and life. We can make a difference, help make our world better and continue to learn about the universe that we live in. They are effective in every way so that we can help the other students who need help and get them the help they need. Everyone deserves to have there education, but an excellent on that can lead them to a better future.  They only cons that this may have is on the students with disabilities. But with the resources that we have today we can help them reach the standards and make sure they receive the same education as everyone else.
In my opinion I believe that all these standards we have are effective. With them we are able to see the strengths and weakness's of the students. It just helps make sure that everyone is learning the material that they need.


Technology in School

Technology has changed our lives in so many ways. It has brought us many positive, as well as negative feedback. Technology in school can help us. If we learn how to use our resources it can help us reach out to all of our students and help them learn. Believe it or not we use it everyday in school and we are surrounded of technology. The positives of technology is much more than just using it to entertain our hobbies. Without it we would have much of the things that we have today. We use smart boards, computers, internet and projectors everyday for our learning purposes.  We don't want to eliminate our teachers, we want to help our students learn and retain our material we teach them.  We gather new information every year.
 In the Article, "K-12 Technology Benefits and Drawbacks" It stated that "The truth is that the face of K-12 education is in a constant state of change. Educators that have been in the field for several decades may notice that the speed at which changes in methodology and student population are taking place is on a high-speed course compared to the past. Many factors play into this but none as strongly as technological advancements. The Internet, wireless devices and improvements in communication all heighten the immediacy for information both within and without the classroom." Students today are lucky to have all the new resources that they have. Back then everything was all limited to information that is located in the book. Students who have phone have easy access to new resources right in their pockets. Our phone can do almost the same things that our computer can do, We can be at work, the park, a concert and have a app or internet access to get the information that we may need. There us basically an app for everything that you could think of.  If we use our resources to our advantages we can encourage our students to be more involved with school.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chapter 1 blog: Learning Everyday

In the article " Schools that practice Learning-Literacy", David Warlick has pointed out many things that get may get your attention. We learn new things everyday. It could be the simplest thing, but we have learned something new that we can use later on in the same situation.
 "Literacy makes people master learners, people who can successfully learn, unlearn and relearn."
David makes a good point in his statement. We do something a the long way until someone or something shows us the short way to do it. Our brain is capable of letting us learn everyday and lets the information stick to us. We are master learners since the day we were born, from the moment we were born we learned how to eat. Us as future teachers we want to be able to produce everyday learners. They learn from us as well we learn from them. Another statement that David mentioned was "We must walk into our classrooms out of today, not from the day that they graduated." This statement is true cause many there is teachers who teach the same thing every year. Our resources, such as our books change every year. We gather new information each year so we have to update our information that we have in our books each year. As mentioned earlier we learn everyday. Learning is among us and is contagious!! So don't be scared to learn something new. Learn from it and teach others around you.

Bowker LLC, (2010). Bowker reports traditional u.s. book production flat in 2009. Retrieved from website: